† Corresponding author. E-mail:
‡ Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474095, 11274118, and 91536114).
A new Raman process can be used to realize efficient Raman frequency conversion by coherent feedback at low light intensity [Chen B, Zhang K, Bian C L, Qiu C, Yuan C H, Chen L Q, Ou Z Y, and Zhang W P 2013 Opt. Express
Efficient frequency conversions at low optical powers due to the advent of quantum information science has become important, which has been receiving a lot of attention in recent years.[1–5] At low optical powers, the nonlinear coefficients in most optical materials are usually very small. Traditionally, large optical fields[6] or equivalent long nonlinear medium[7,8] are required to obtain the strong nonlinear response. In the past two decades, it was addressed that the nonlinear conversion can be greatly enhanced using the quantum coherence in atomic medium.[9,10] There are several ways to prepare atomic coherence. One is to use electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT)[9] for the generation of atomic coherence. Jain et al.[11] and Merriam et al.[12] achieved high frequency conversion efficiencies with the help of an atomic coherence prepared via EIT. Another approach is to prepare an atomic spin wave before the Raman conversion process; the atomic spin wave acts as a seed to the Raman amplification process for enhanced Raman conversion.[13–15] We demonstrated a high Raman conversion of 40% with a lower pump field intensity of 0.1 W/cm2.[13] Nonlinear conversion efficiency can be enhanced with coherent medium prepared by counter-propagating fields and efficient intrinsic feedback.[16–19] Zibrov et al.[17] observed a 4% conversion efficiency with laser power of 300 μW and a spot size of 0.3 mm. However, these schemes need other fields to prepare the atomic spin waves and can only operate in pulse mode.
Recently, we have experimentally demonstrated an efficient Raman conversion scheme with coherent feedback.[20] The experimental setup is simple and the same with usual spontaneous Raman scattering except for a flat mirror. The conversion efficiency of the scheme is as high as 50% for the Stokes field and 30% for the anti-Stokes field with pump field power as low as a few hundreds of a microwatt in both pulsed and continuous wave (CW) modes. By beating two converted fields generated from a common Raman pump field, we observed a narrow line width of 10 kHz, which is determined by the decoherence time of the atomic spin wave in the medium. The mechanism for the efficient conversion is the constructive interference due to the coherent feedback. It relies on the creation of the atomic coherence between the two lower states and the phase correlation between the atomic coherence and converted field in Raman scattering.[21] Recently, we have also proposed a theoretical scheme to enhance the Raman scattering using quantum correlation, termed as correlation-enhanced Raman scattering (CERS).[21] In this scheme, a pump field leads to spontaneous emission of the Stokes field, accompanied with the generation of atomic spin waves. Then this Stokes field used as a seeded signal, with the pump field together, is subsequently input into an atomic ensemble to generate a second Stokes field. Due to the correlation of the seeding Stokes field and atomic spin waves a CERS occurs, which can partly explain the experiment of high efficient Raman conversion, but a system theoretical model is required. In this paper, we present a theoretical model to describe this Raman process, and it can be explained by a cascaded double-CERS. In this model on the one hand the Raman process is driven by the quasi-standing-wave pump fields, and on the other hand the process is repeated and the intensities of Stokes fields are coherent enhancement due to the stronger new initial conditions, finally the high efficient conversion is obtained.
The remaining part of this paper is organized in the following way. In Section 2 the general model involving spatial propagation and light–atom coupling in Raman scattering driven by the standing wave is given. In Section 3 we explain our results with the above theory. We draw our conclusions in Section 4.
In this section, we present a model to describe the process of an efficient Raman conversion scheme with coherent feedback. The schematic diagram of the process considered here is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (a) The schematic diagram of the experiment. (b) The schematic diagram of Λ-type three-level atoms. P1, P2: pump fields; S1, S2: Stokes fields; Δ: detuning; M: mirror. |
In the electric-dipole and rotating-wave approximations, the Hamiltonian of N identical atoms is given (ħ = 1) as follows:[22,23]

We define continuum atomic operators

Using the slowly varying envelope approximation, we obtain the following propagation equations for the quantum field operators:

In this section, we use the Laplace transform technique to solve Eq. (
For analyzing conveniently, we assume the write fields intensity [ΩP1(t′) = ΩP1θ (t′)] being constant and real, after being switched on at t′ = 0. Then the coupled equations (
In order to explain the process of efficient Raman conversion scheme,[20] we calculate the intensities of Stokes field S1 and S2. Different initial conditions lead to different output intensities, where the process is described in Fig.
In the first cycle, for Stokes field S1 no initial Stokes field is externally incident on the ensemble and no initial spin wave is written into the ensemble (see Fig.
Subsequently, the atomic spin wave Sa stays in the cell, and the S1 and P1 fields propagate out together and both are reflected back to the atomic medium by a flat mirror M, where the reflected P1 is denoted as P2. As shown in Fig.

Next, we will numerically calculate the intensities of

In conclusion, we have given a theoretical model, termed as the cascade CERS, to describe the efficient Raman process. In the first cycle it is correlation-enhanced Raman scattering, i.e., injecting a seeded light field which is correlated with the initially prepared atomic spin excitation and driven by the quasi-standing-wave pump fields. The cycles are repeated constantly in a period, and the intensities of Stokes fields are coherent enhancement, then high efficient Raman conversion is achieved. Such a cascade correlation-induced enhanced Raman scattering process may find applications in a diversity of technological areas such as optical detection, metrology, imaging, precision spectroscopy, and so on.
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